Within the framework of the Impact Management Project, the ABCs of a company’s impact are:
The ABC of Impact Tech:
Act to avoid harm
Benefit stakeholders
Contribute to solutions
A - Act to avoid harm, also known as Responsible Tech
When technology is used in a way that minimizes hard to people and the planet, it is called Responsible Tech. An example of Responsible Tech is using technology to reduce emissions.
B - Benefit stakeholders
When technology is used in a way that benefits stakeholders, it is a part of Impact Tech. For example, technology can provide a solution that ends up benefiting public health.
C - Contribute to solutions
When technology is used to actively address a problem that affects society, it is part of Impact Tech. For example, technology can be used to create banking solutions for the unbanked population.
Applying the ABCs of Impact to Investment Vehicles
The Impact Management Project applies the ABCs of Impact to classifying various investment vehicles. Asset owners can now classify their portfolios by using bringing together the impact goals and the strategies that the investor uses to contribute to that impact. Please see the matrix here: https://impactmanagementproject.com/investor-impact-matrix.