How Quickly Can You Be Remote?
As previously discussed, a business model is how a company creates, delivers and captures value (click here for a refresher on how a business model fits into the strategic function and the operating model). The last two years made it abundantly clear how quickly companies could respond to a situation where employees needed to work remotely, while clients switched to doing more business remotely. Continuing with our bank example, bank employees needed to work from home, and bank customers avoided contact with tellers in favor of phone support and online banking.
All of a sudden, business continuity and disaster recovery plans got tested. Cloud became more relevant. Cybersecurity tools and policies had to be re-evaluated. Policies and procedures had to be changed.
“When things change, your ability to respond quickly depends on both how dynamic you are, as well as how stable (well-managed) you are. Our clients search for the optimum combination of agility and cost.”
— AlphaMille